Geneological Charts: Pride and Prejudice



Bennets, Philipses, and Gardiners

Mr. Collins is a cousin of Mr. Bennet

                            |              |                           |
                            |              |                           |
 Mr. Bennet === Mrs. Bennet   Mrs. Philips === Mr. Philips   Edward === M--
                                                                                           Gardiner |
              +--------+-+—--+———--+-----+                                          |
              |           |            |             |       |                                    +--+--+--+
          Jane  Elizabeth  Mary  "Kitty"  Lydia                                   |  |  |  |
                                            [Catherine]                                   Four children

Darcys, Fitzwilliams, and De Bourghs

The individuals in parentheses died before the main action of the novel begins.

                       (Old Earl of ----,
                       surnamed Fitzwilliam)
                    |                              |                           |
  (Old Mr. === (Lady            current            Lady  === (Sir Lewis
   Darcy)   |   Anne)         Earl of ----           Catherine |   de Bourgh)
                 |                                  |                              |
      +------+------+                  +---+------+                     |
      |                   |                   |                |                   |
Fitzwilliam    Georgiana     elder     Colonel          Anne de
   Darcy         Darcy          son(s)     Fitzwilliam          Bourgh




Lucases and Bingleys

    Sir William === Lady                                 +--------+-------+
        Lucas     |  Lucas                                    |          |          |
                      |                                                |          |          |
    +------—---+-----—-----+                        Charles    Caroline    Louisa === Mr. Hurst
    |                |               |                            Bingley    Bingley           
  Charlotte   Maria    other boys
  Lucas     Lucas     and girls

  English IV