Phase the Sixth

1.       palpably—noticeably

2.       atrophy—weakening [as in what brains that are not used do]

3.       tribulation—distress

4.       inexorable—relentless

5.       decry—denounce; belittle; disparage; cut down

6.       terrestrial—earthly

7.       flaccid—limp

8.       whimsically—fancifully; playfully odd, perhaps silly seeming

9.       palliate—moderate [verb]

10.       effigy—statue; likeness

Phase the Seventh

11.    epistle—letter [think of Acts, Colossians, etc.]

12.    reticent—reserved; not outgoing

13.    implore—beg

14.    vacuity—emptiness

15.    fervid—passionate

16.    effrontery—shameful boldness; barefaced audacity

17.     taciturnity—silence

English IV