Text Box: Memory Work for Marking Period 4
___ credits are required.    			Last date accepted ___________________
Memory work may be done at any time beginning right now. It is due by the date given. Do not wait until the last minute. If you are absent, your memory work is not in. You should not ask to give memory work late. Should you be hospitalized the last 2 weeks before memory work is due, you call me or get you parents to call and I will come and take your memory work where you are.
You are always expected to get to the end of a sentence. Should the line requirement not do that, be certain you check with me.
The Victorian Period (1832-1901)
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
1. “The Lady of Shalott”		any 2 stanzas [18ll.] [End w/ period; complete thought.]
Robert Browning
2. “My Last Duchess”			ll. 1-21 [end with that period]
3. “Porphyria’s Lover”			ll. 1-25
4. “Meeting at Night” and “Parting in Morning” [must do both]	16 ll.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
5. Fr. Sonnets from the Portuguese “Sonnet 43”	14 ll.		
Thomas Hardy  [yes, Return of the Native]
6. & 7. “Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?”	36 ll.		2 credits
A. E. Housman
8. “When I Was One-and-Twenty”	16 ll.
9. & 10 “To an Athlete Dying Young”	28 ll. 	2 credits

Twentieth-Century Poetry

T. S. Eliot
11. “The Hollow Men”		Section I	18 ll.  [You may choose any complete section, 
William Butler Yeats					Roman numeral, of at least 18 lines.] 
12. & 13. “The Second Coming”		22 ll. 	2 credits
14. “Sailing to Byzantium”		any 2 stanzas [16 ll.]
15. & 16. “Adam’s Curse” 		ll. 1-38	     2 credits	handout
Robert Graves	
18. & 19. “Warning to Children”		37 ll.  	2 credits	              Elements
W. H. Auden
20, 21, & 22. “Song: As I Walked Out One Evening”		60 ll.  	3 credits	         Elements
23. & 24. “The Unknown Citizen”		29 ll. 		2 credits	          Elements
Henry Reed
25. & 26 “Naming of Parts”			30 ll. 	2 credits       	Elements
Dylan Thomas
27. “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”	19 ll. 	
Stevie Smith
28. & 29. “The Frog Prince” 		48 ll.		2 credits	     handout
Ted Hughes
30. “The Horses”    ll. 1-26        1 credit
30. & 31.  “The Horses” entire poem 	2 credits


English IV