fr. Chapter 4


1.  accost(ed) – to greet; speak to aggressively (sometimes hostilely, sometimes not)

2. to trifle (trifling) – to play with or toy with as though of little significance

3. insensate – lacing sensibility; unfeeling; foolish

4. countenance – appearance, especially the face

5. pall – a covering that darkens or obscures [also a coffin led, so you can see how it darkens and the connotation]

6. to rout [routing] – to drive or force out

7. conflagration – a large, destructive fire

8. slattern [slatternly] – a sloppy woman

9. assail – to attack violently

10. umber – a natural brown earth used as pigment (to color things)

11. blackguard(ly) – scoundrel; thoroughly unprincipled person

12. odious – horrible; disgusting; arousing strong dislike or intense displeasure

13. napery [a noun] – household linen, especially table linen [tablecloths, cloth napkins, etc.]

14. connoisseur – a person of discriminating taste (with good taste)

15. ply [plies] – one of the strands twisted together to make yarn, string, or rope

16. disinter(red) – to dig up; to unbury

17. handbill – a printed sheet or pamphlet [in Dr. Jekyll, probably a flier (flyer) like a wanted poster]

English IV