The French Lieutenant’s Woman by John Fowles                  Vocabulary list  4

1.         facetious – [89] – humorous; amusing

2.         arboretum – [89] – plot of land where different trees or shrubs are grown for study or popular interest

3.         draconian [90] – severe concerning law [like a Greek statesman known for the severity of his code of laws

4.         sacrosanct [90] – especially or superlatively sacred in inviolable

5.         sensualist [90] – one given to the indulgence of the sense or appetites; someone who is lewd or unchaste

6.         jape [90] joke or jest

7.         satyr [90] one of a class of woodland deities noted for riot and lasciviousness; lascivious man

8.         inexplicable [91] – unexplainable

9.         blasphemy [91] – impious action or utterance concerning God or sacred things; the crime of assuming to oneself the rights or qualities of god

10.         plausibility [92] – believability; possibility

11.      correlative [92] – either of two things that are so related that each implies or complements the other; each of two mutually related things

12.      abashed [92] – embarrassed

13.      obloquy [92] – the discredit or disgrace resulting from public blame or revilement; censure, blame, or abusive language aimed at a person, esp. by numbers of person or by the public generally

14.      presage [94] – come before; precede

15.      extirpate [97] – remove utterly; destroy totally; exterminate; do away with; pull up by the roots

16.      preposterous [97] – ridiculous

17.      promenade [98] – to take a walk, esp. in a public place

18.      dour [99] – sullen; gloomy; sour

19.      platitudinous [100] – given to small, meaningless talk; given to saying trite phrases that mean little

20.      fortuitous [101] – happening by chance; lucky

English IV