The Grammar Check All documents should be thoroughly proofed before they be printed and distributed. This means that documents, at a minimum should be spell cheeked,, grammar cheeked, and proof read by the author. A documents that has spelling errors and/or grammatical errors makes the Author look unprofessional and illiterate and their is nothing worse than allowing a first impression too be won that makes you appear sloppy and disinterested, and a document full or of mystiques will do exactly that. Allot of people do not realize how damaging a bad first impression could be, and documents full of mystiques has cost people opportunities that they trained and prepared many years for. Microsoft Word includes an automated grammar check that will detect many, but certainly not all, errors as the previous paragraph demonstrates. Unlike the spell check, the grammar check is subjective, and what seems appropriate to you may be objectionable to someone else. The << English language>> is just to complicate for the grammar check to detect every error, or even most errors. Hence, there is no substitute for carefully proofs reading a document your self. Hence, there is no substitute for carefully proofs reading a document your self.

English II