Redundancy                   Correction


     in view of the fact that                 since, because

     at this point in time                      then

     it is recommended that                 we recommend

     as per your request                       as you requested

     in light of the fact that                  since, because

     being of the opinion that               I believe

     in the near future                          soon

     during the time that                      then

     it would be advisable to                should, ought

     due to the fact that                        since, because

     in this day and age                        now, currently

     for the reason that                         since, because

     in my own personal opinion          I believe, in my opinion

     to the fullest extent possible          fully

     in accordance with your request    as you requested

     four in number                              four

     predicated upon the fact that         based on

     inasmuch as                                  since, because

     pursuant to your request                as you requested

     in connection with                         related to

     take cognizance of the fact that      realize

     it has come to my attention that     I have learned that

     with reference to the fact that         concerning, about

     with regard to                                concerning, about

     in close proximity to                      near, close, about

     to the extent that                            as much as

     in the neighborhood of                   near, close, about

     until such time as                           until

     has the ability to                             can

     that being the case                          therefore

English III Honors