The French Lieutenant’s Woman by John Fowles                  Vocabulary list  1

1.         Rampart [3] – a broad elevation or mound of earth raised as a fortification about a place, and usually having a stone or earth parapet built upon it

2.         Elephantine [4] – huge, ponderous, clumsy

3.         Paragon [4] -- model or pattern of excellence

4.         Congeries [4] – [sing. & pl.] a collection of several particles or bodies in one mass; an assemblage; aggregation; heap

5.         Heyday [4] – stage of period of highest vigor or fullest strength

6.         Bulwark [4] - fort; any protection against annoyance or injury from outside.

7.         Revetment [5] – a facing of masonry or the like, especially for protecting an embankment

8.         Draper [8] – a dealer in dry goods, etc.

9.         Ostracize [9] – excluded by general consensus

10.         Bollard [10] – a vertical post on which hawsers are made fast

11.      Baccarat – [13] a gambling game played with cards

12.      Rectitude [17] – rightness of principle or practice; correctness

13.      Probity [17] – integrity; uprightness; honesty

14.      Stygian [19] – of or pertaining to the river Styx or the lower world; dark or gloomy; infernal; hellish

15.      Incipient [19] – beginning to exist or appear; in an initial stage

16.      Sadist [19] – one who gets morbid enjoyment from being cruel

17.      Assignation [20] – an appointment for a meeting, now esp. an illicit love meeting

18.      Epitome [20] – condensed representation of something

19.      Crass [20 ] -  gross; stupid; thick coarse

20.      Impertinent [20] – intrusive or presumptuous


English IV