Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte                                                   Vocabulary List  3

Chapters 13-24

1.         Gregarious – fond of the company of others; sociable

2.         Palliate – to make appear less serious; excuse

3.         Salubrious – wholesome

4.         Charnel – a building where corpses or bones are deposited

5.         Etiolated – pale and unhealthy

6.         Phlegmatic - apathetic; calm; hard to rouse to action

7.         Contumacy – stubborn refusal to submit to authority

8.         Saturnine – gloomy; grave

9.         Contumelious – rude in a contemptuous way insulting

10.         Sardonic – scornful

11.       Meretricious – alluring by false and showy charms

12.       Reprobation – rejection by God as beyond salvation [so then, what would a reprobate be?]

13.       Superciliousness – haughtiness

14.       Competency – sufficient means for a livelihood

15.       Cynosure – center of attention

16.       Acumen – keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a situation

17.       Pertinaciously – stubbornly; obstinately

English IV