1100– List 4
1. alacrity - briskness, lively action
2. disdain (n) - contempt
3. belligerent - warlike
4. intimidate - to overawe
5. feint - a false show
6. pugnacious - quarrelsome
7. promulgate - to make known officially
8. brash - impudent; rude
9. scoff - to sneer at
10. belittle - to make seem less important
11. tangible - having actual form; touchable
12. laceration - jagged wound
13. castigate - to correct by punishing
14. sordid - dirty, base
15. octogenarian - person in his eighties
16. solace - easing of grief
17. aspirant - candidate for high position
18. dregs - most worthless part
19. frenzy - wild fit
20. scurrilous - coarse