Hit Parade

Vocabulary Lists

List 4

Ready for Battle

1.       malice - ill-will; intent to cause harm [His malice was understandable; she was the one who had run over his dog that dark, stormy night.]

2.       reprehensible - deserving of disapproval [Kicking dogs is a reprehensible pastime.]

3.       revulsion - strong pulling or drawing away [The teacher’s ugly green trousers inspired revulsion among his students.]

4.       nefarious - extremely wicked [The nefarious cheerleader stole the other team’s pompoms.]

5.       defiant - daring; bold; resistant to authority. [The teen was defiant toward his parents.]

6.       obstinate - stubborn; unyielding; firm in position [He is obstinate--I refuse to give in to him!]

7.       resentment - persistent ill-will at something seen as wrong [I resented having to read aloud when I had just had my tooth pulled.]

8.       vindictive - wanting to get revenge [Tommy felt vindictive toward the teacher who spanked him.

9.       vendetta - a prolonged feud of bitter hostility [The gangsters’ vendetta led to many deaths.]

10.       vengeance - punishment inflicted in retaliation [He delivered the blows with a vengeance.]

11.    enmity - hatred or ill-will [The enmity between the two countries led to a war.]

12.    aversion - a strong dislike; strongly opposed to [I have an aversion to chocolate-covered bugs.]

13.    provoke - to anger, arouse, bring to action [He provoked his sister by pulling on her pigtails.]

14.    instigate - to urge forward; to start [Herbie instigated a revolution against the evil math teacher.]