Staying Vocabulary Lists You must know the italicized, bold roots and their definitions each week. |
Dissolute - Describes someone who behaves immorally or lives a loose life. The word comes from the Latin prefix dis (“away, apart”) and the verb solvere as in “loosen”. The Roman Empire may have declined because of its numerous dissolute despots, of which the most infamous was Nero.
Despot - Despot, a cruel ruler, originally meant “master of the house”, from Greek despotes. This word is a contraction of dems, “house or tribe” + potere, “to be able”. From the Greek dems, we also get the word democracy; yet a despot has no interest in sharing power with anyone else.
Vocabulary Definitions1. dissolute immoral 2. despot tyrant 3. dilemma problem, choice of two alternatives 4. dissipated wasted 5. discord conflict 6. devious deceitful, untrustworthy 7. demeaned degraded 8. deign condescend, lower oneself 9. denigrate belittle, defame 10. disclaim disown 11. dire disastrous 12. despicable hateful 13. debased lowered (in quality, value, condition) 14. disputatious argumentative 15. dilettante dabbler (in the arts) 16. demise death 17. drudgery hard work
(17 words) |
Rothstein, Evelyn. Staying at the Top. Nyack, NY: ERA/CCR Corp, 1986. |